
Learn more about our Graduate Student 领导 Award recipient 阿里·拉扎。.
Graduate students lined up by stage at commencement

Action Items for Graduation

研究生毕业典礼 Booklet (PDF)

The 研究生毕业典礼 ceremony 是有票的活动吗. Each graduate may reserve four (4) guest tickets 对于这次活动. 有关如何预订门票的说明已经分享给了他们所在州的毕业生.Edu邮箱地址.

Clearance for Graduation and Confirmation of Attendance

确认你已经被批准参加毕业典礼,并表明你是否会参加, 请登录您的 Web4 账户. 点击 Student>Student Records>View Graduation Application.

我们必须知道参加典礼的学生的确切人数. 如果您不能参加,请通过以下方式与注册办公室联系 5月3日星期五 at 978.665.4196 or registrar@akomegasjsu.com.


如果你在另一所大学修过课,必须提供成绩单 6月2日前.


所有的学位帽和礼服套装都可以通过哈蒙德大厅的书店或通过 书店的网站. 套装将在毕业前4周左右购买,并在书店网站上出现. Masters packages are $65 and CAGS packages are $67. 帽子区分了佩戴者毕业的院校和被授予的学位. The bookstore hours the week of commencement will be Monday 9 a.m. 到5点.m., and Tuesday - Thursday 9 a.m. 到下午6点.m. 如对毕业典礼有任何疑问,请致电978与书店联系.665.4026.


毕业时,你将收到一张毕业证书和一张证书. All diplomas will be mailed to graduates by early July. 你的名字将被刻在你的毕业证书上,就像你在毕业申请上所写的那样.


毕业典礼 Ceremony Schedule

毕业典礼定于5月15日星期四在体育和娱乐中心举行. There is no commencement rehearsal. Please arrive no later than 5:30 p.m. Volunteers will be available to assist you. The ceremony will be approximately an hour and a half.

颁奖典礼还将在FATV上直播(稍后将在网站上发布典礼的数字下载) fatv.org/fsu).

Guest seating area will open at 4:30 p.m. 毕业生将按照学校和学位的字母顺序排列. You will be given an index card on which your name has been typed. 如果您有难以发音的名字,请提供语音拼写. When you approach the platform, this card will be handed to the reader. 你的项目主席将带领毕业生上台,并把他们介绍给校长和院长. 当你走过讲台,从校长手中接过你的毕业证书时,你的名字将被念到. Please return to your seat promptly upon exiting the stage.

毕业典礼 Ceremony Decorum

毕业典礼 is a true milestone for each and every student. 我们欢迎你的兴奋和热情,因为我们庆祝这个盛大的时刻. 我们还要求我们的毕业生和他们的嘉宾尊重整个典礼的重要性和尊严. Guests who leave early may distract from the event, which would be disrespectful to the other graduates and their families.


方向 to the campus and parking lots can be found on our maps and directions page. 班车将在多式联运中心停车场和体育娱乐中心之间运行,时间为下午5点至9点.m.

Graduates and Guests with Disabilities

毕业生和任何有残疾的客人都可以通过 残疾人服务. To request accommodations, please complete the disability accommodations form 5月2日前 or contact 残疾人服务 by phone 978.665.4020或电邮 aernst2@akomegasjsu.com. All requests will be reviewed, 座位和/或停车证将邮寄到所提供的地址.

The ceremony will be ASL interpreted. 请联系残障服务中心讨论美国手语翻译附近的座位. 毕业典礼的大型印刷品和盲文副本可提前通知. The event will be captioned live online at akomegasjsu.com/captioning. 要求住宿的客人可以有一个额外的客人与他们坐在一起.


在仪式上, 禁止来宾进入舞台区域拍照或录像. Please relay this information to your guests. 当你收到毕业证书封面和校长的祝贺时,会给你拍一张专业照片, 由必赢国际电子游戏网站校友会提供的免费数字下载将发送到您的大学电子邮件地址.

Spring 2023 毕业典礼 Honoree

Graduate Student 领导 Award: 阿里·拉扎。


阿里·拉扎(阿里·拉扎。)在2022年进入必赢国际电子游戏网站(Fitchburg State University)的计算机科学研究生课程后,完全接受了该校的学生生活. 来自巴基斯坦, Raza encountered significant challenges, including adjusting to a new culture and educational system. 然而,拉扎以坚定的决心、灵活性和毅力克服了每一个障碍.

拉扎的学生领导之旅始于2022年秋天,当时他代表必赢国际电子游戏网站参加了在波士顿举行的“致力于卓越领导力会议”, 这段变革性的经历推动了他个人和领导力的成长, empowering him to emerge as a leader in his own life.

第二年的时候, Raza积极参加校园课外活动,如校园大使基督教团契, Fitchburg Activities Board, and Outdoor Adventure Club, broadening his social circle and cultural understanding. 外学者, Raza served as a resident assistant in campus housing, fostering a supportive environment and honing his interpersonal skills. 拉扎在2024年春季组织了一个“成为领导者”会议,他对领导力的承诺闪耀着光芒, featuring four speakers who shared their leadership journeys, and inspiring fellow students to strive for greatness.

Raza还作为NETSOL Technologies的技术分析师完成了远程实习. Recognizing his leadership potential, 该公司选择Raza代表他们参加2023年秋季在多伦多举行的加拿大贷款人峰会.

毕业后, Raza的目标是追求计算机科学的专业机会,同时继续他的领导和社区参与之旅.

Important Contact Information


大学警察提供服务,以促进校园安全,并可协助校园社区24小时, 一年365天.
大学警察 Station
(across from the Recreation Center)