University Facts and Figures

我们提供本科和研究生课程,强调以职业为导向的学习,牢固地建立在文科基础上, as well as selected majors in the traditional arts and sciences.

We feature small class sizes, hands-on professional education, and an accessible faculty dedicated to teaching. 紧凑的校园为一个安全的社区提供了额外的好处,在这里,社会和文化活动丰富,学生们在社区中扮演着广泛的领导角色, student government and social and artistic affairs.


We support both traditional and nontraditional students. 白天和晚上都有全日制和非全日制的入学机会, and at the graduate and undergraduate level.

本科生日间人口包括通勤和住宿学生,代表整个马萨诸塞州和整个新英格兰地区. 研究生和继续教育人口包括所有的学习者——从希望通过攻读研究生或本科证书和学位来扩大职业机会的人, 一个典型的大学生在暑假回家上一两门课以获得成功.

The School of Graduate, 在线和继续教育为各种专业和学术领域的兼职和全职高级学习提供了不同的视角.


必赢国际电子游戏网站被新英格兰高等教育委员会认可, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, the International Accreditation Council for Business Education, the Council for Standards in Human Service Education, and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. 该大学的课程也得到了马萨诸塞州高等教育部的批准, 全国教师教育和认证主任协会, the Interstate Certification Compact of Educational Personnel, the State Board of Registration in Nursing, the Board of Higher Education, the Commonwealth Honors Program and ABET.


我们接受学生的高中和/或大学成绩和论文的基础上. When making admissions decisions, other factors, such as recommendations from teachers, extra-curricular and community activities are also considered. 学生也可以选择提交SAT和ACT成绩以供参考(尽管有些课程需要提交)。.

Alumni Association

校友会为该校超过48名学生提供了许多项目和服务,000 graduates. 它为校园社区提供奖学金、设备补助和图书馆资料.



Men’s Varsity Sports

  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Cross Country
  • Football
  • Ice Hockey
  • Soccer
  • Track and Field

Women’s Varsity Sports

  • Basketball
  • Cross Country
  • Field Hockey
  • Lacrosse
  • Soccer
  • Softball
  • Track and Field
  • Volleyball

Board of Trustees

  • C. Deborah Phillips (chair)
  • Lynn Tesconi Barrieau (vice chair)
  • David C. Tiernan (clerk)
  • Dr. Michael Fiorentino Jr.
  • Jennifer L. Flanagan
  • Eric A. Gregoire (alumni representative)
  • Karen J. Spinelli
  • Carolyn Crowley Stimpson
  • Allison H. Turner (student representative)
  • President Richard S. Lapidus (ex officio)


Two semesters: Early September to mid-December, 1月下旬至5月初(研究生和继续教育也提供两个夏季课程和一个冬季课程).


Main campus: 48 buildings (six of which are over 100 years old) on 60 acres
McKay Teacher Education Center: 11 acres
Athletic Fields: 17 acres


Cultural Events

We sponsor a cultural series — CenterStage — that includes lectures and performing arts. The theater program, the band, chorus and jazz groups, and the student dance and theater clubs, all offer performances throughout the year. 艺术展览每年在哈蒙德大厅艺术画廊和康伦大厅媒体墙举办. 学生发展办公室也提供节目, the Center for Italian Culture, and Adult Learning in the Fitchburg Area (ALFA).

Degrees Awarded (2023)

Bachelor's: 690
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate: 55
Master’s: 1,071
Certificates of Advanced Graduate Study (CAGS): 15

Economic Impact

$283.4 million (per UMass Donahue Institute analysis, November 2021).
Total full-time employees: 613

Enrollment (Fall 2023)

Total enrollment: 6,440
Undergraduate: 3,193
Graduate students: 3,247


Full-time faculty: 191
具有博士或最高学位的专任教师比例: 91%
Day student-faculty ratio: 13:1

Financial Aid

Federal, 州和机构项目为学生提供超过4300万美元的助学金, loans, work-study awards and scholarships. 大约90%的首次入学的大学生获得了某种形式的经济援助.


The Amelia V. Gallucci-Cirio图书馆通过提供动态馆藏来支持必赢国际电子游戏网站的教学和学术使命, expert research support and collaborative learning spaces. 图书馆是一个综合性的信息中心,提供180多种资料,000 print books and 200,000 ebooks; 100,000 full text online periodical titles; 20,000 streaming films and documentaries; and access to approximately 165 electronic online databases. 图书馆以学生为中心,致力于通过提供研究指导课程和包括参考在内的服务来提高学生的信息素养技能, reserves, interlibrary loan and the university archives.


Fitchburg, Mass. is a city of 40,000 located in the North Central part of the state, close to the New Hampshire border, about 50 miles from Boston.


该大学制作电子校园通讯《今日必赢国际电子游戏网站》. The Point, the student newspaper, is also published online. The alumni magazine, Contact, 每年出版两期,刊载有关港大及其毕业生的新闻及专题报道. 该大学还有一个网站和一个学生经营的广播电台(WXPL, 91).3FM).

Recreation Center

娱乐中心是菲奇堡州立娱乐活动的中心. 娱乐中心提供大学体育和最先进的健身中心配备了壁球场, a dance studio, indoor track, group fitness classes, and recreation trips.

Residence Halls

校园有四个宿舍和三个公寓社区. 一半的本科生住在校园宿舍.


Budget (FY2023): $115,581,726
Total FY2023 revenue: $130,759,629
Endowment (June 2023): 27,386,202美元,由必赢国际电子游戏网站基金会管理.

Student and Academic Support Services


  • Academic Advising
  • Athletic and Recreational Services
  • Campus Center
  • Career Services
  • Counseling Services
  • Disability Services
  • Expanding Horizons
  • Health Services
  • International Education
  • Center for Diversity and Inclusiveness
  • Orientation
  • Peer Tutor and Assessment Center
  • Student Conduct
  • Mediation and Education
  • Student Development Office

Tuition and Fees

全日制全日制本科生(马萨诸塞州居民)的年度学费和杂费: $11,046 (fall 2023) See undergraduate tuition and fees for the most updated information. 
Total annual cost for full-time residential student: $22,854 (fall 2023)
研究生和继续教育费用:本科水平课程每学分327美元,研究生水平课程每学分347美元(2023年秋季). See graduate, continuing and evening tuition and fees for the most updated information.

University Officers

  • Dr. Richard S. Lapidus, president
  • Dr. Patricia A. Marshall, provost and vice president for academic affairs
  • Dr. Laura A. Bayless, vice president of student affairs
  • Jay D. Bry, vice president of finance and administration
  • 杰西卡·默多克,人力资源和工资服务副总裁
  • Jeffrey A. Wolfman, vice president for institutional advancement