

我们是位于菲奇堡的公共机构, 麻萨诸塞州, dedicated to integrating high-quality 专业 programs with strong liberal arts and sciences studies.

成立于1894年, we now have more than 30 undergraduate programs and 22 master's degree programs, and 6,000名全日制和非全日制学生.



From enrollment numbers, faculty headcount, financial aid amounts, and much more...  


见见我们的校长和董事会, 找出公开会议的办公时间和时间表. 


自1894年以来,我们一直自豪地为学生群体服务. 了解一下我们卑微的开始.      


What students know, are able to do, and value upon graduation from 必赢国际电子游戏网站
通过他们完整的教育经历, Fitchburg State graduates will be creative and critical thinkers who integrate and communicate their learning from a variety of disciplines and experiences in ways that enhance their civic, 个人和职业生活.


  • 基本技能和学科广度 - Students will demonstrate attainment of the Learning Outcomes of the General Education program.
  • 掌握明确的知识体系 - Students will attain the specialized academic objectives of their major or programs.
  • 参与校园和社区生活 -学生将发展个人和专业技能, goals, and ethical standards of behavior through co-curricular experiences.


  • 创造性和批判性思维 - Students will use evidence and context to increase knowledge, 原因是道德, 评估信息的质量, 解决问题, 以富有想象力的方式进行创新.
  • 有效的沟通 - Students will carefully consider and clearly articulate ideas for a range of audiences and purposes in written, spoken, 技术媒介, visual, 或者其他形式的交流.
  • 综合学习 - Students will apply their breadth and depth of knowledge, skills, 以及解决复杂问题的经验.


  • 尊重人和文化 - Students will appreciate the contributions and needs of diverse individuals and groups and understand themselves in solidarity with others locally, nationally, 和全球.
  • 更广泛社区的公民参与 - Students will demonstrate their ability to work within and across communities, 运用他们的知识为他人服务, 促进社会公正.
  • 持续学习和个人成长 - Students will approach the world with confidence and curiosity, appreciate the complex identities of themselves and others, and reflect critically on their experiences throughout life to make informed choices that advance their own well-being and that of the larger community.



必赢国际电子游戏网站 is committed to excellence in teaching and learning and blends liberal arts and sciences and 专业 programs within a small college environment. Our comprehensive public university prepares students to lead, serve, and succeed by fostering lifelong learning and civic and global responsibility. A Fitchburg State education extends beyond our classrooms to include residential, 专业, 还有课外活动机会. 作为社区资源, 我们为经济提供领导和支持, 环境, social, and cultural needs of North Central 麻萨诸塞州 and the Commonwealth.


必赢国际电子游戏网站 will be nationally recognized for its excellence in teaching and learning in current and emergent fields, for its commitment to transforming lives through education, 以及对公共服务的奉献.


  • Prepare students for a global society through curricular innovation and program development
  • Achieve academic excellence by investing in our faculty and librarians in their pursuit of knowledge, 专业能力, 和奖学金
  • Employ innovative uses of technology in the library and across our campus to maximize student learning
  • Create a culture of diversity to meet the needs of the region and enhance the personal and academic lives of the university community
  • Build partnerships within our community to provide real-world opportunities for our students and collaborative solutions to community issues.


Offering equitable access to high-quality programs and services to people of varying cultural backgrounds living within and beyond our diverse community of North Central 麻萨诸塞州

Providing opportunities for students of varying socioeconomic backgrounds to pursue an affordable, 素质教育

Forging partnerships with businesses and community organizations within the region to enhance quality of life

为学生维持一个支持性的校园环境, faculty, staff, and alumni in which all members can grow and excel in their 个人和职业生活

Striving for excellence in academic programs and services through innovative teaching and 专业 practices


Our website may contain links to external websites that are not operated or maintained by 必赢国际电子游戏网站. 大学不控制, endorse, 或对内容承担任何责任, 隐私政策, 或任何第三方网站的做法. The inclusion of any link does not imply 必赢国际电子游戏网站's endorsement of other linked content to the institutional website.

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想在校园里找路? 访问校园和建筑地图, as well as information on the best ways to get here from out of town.


We strive for exemplary community-oriented policing services by creating partnerships and problem solving strategies that promote the safety, security, 以及校园里每个人的幸福.


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